Valid Sale
About This Campaign:
Groupon is a global leader in local commerce, providing a platform for people around the world to search and discover great local businesses, goods and getaways at unbeatable prices.
Since 2008, Groupon has experienced record-setting growth, expanding it’s presence in the UK to over 50 towns and cities.
Each day we feature a great deals at an unbeatable prices. Whether it’s a 70% discount with a famous coffee brands, 2 for 1 at an exclusive restaurant, or discounted treatments at a heavenly health spa – Groupon ensures that its users live their city for less.
The Groupon offer allows for deep linking so any product can be targeted on their site. Please get in contact with your account manager if you need help with this set up.
In your platform it will appear as 80%. This is due to it being a percentage of the commission being generated. The percentages above are what should be focused on.
Pixel Tracked:Yes
CPA/ Commissions | RevShare 6.00 % |
Status | Apply To Run |
Allowed Countries | GB – |
Offer Expires | Ongoing |
Media Permitted | – |
Restrictions | No Brand Bidding |